Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Poseidon factory.

Export of Products

Export of Poseidon products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Poseidon products

Hydrodynamic machines with an electric motor, with an autonomous motor, heated devices, channel washing machines, explosion-proof devices
  • Gas-powered vehicles Poseidon
    Gas-powered vehicles
    VNA-B-200-45A, etc.
  • Devices with an electric motor Poseidon
    Devices with an electric motor
    series E2, E3, E4, E5, E7, E11, etc.
  • Devices with a diesel engine Poseidon
    Devices with a diesel engine
    D12-140-30- L-Gun-F2, etc.
  • Cars with autonomous motor Poseidon
    Cars with autonomous motor
    series B5, B6, B9, B11, B14, etc.
  • Devices with water heating Poseidon
    Devices with water heating
    VNA-BG-210-17, etc.
  • Channel washing machines Poseidon
    Channel washing machines
    Poseidon B13-150-26, etc.
  • Explosion-proof hydrodynamic devices Poseidon
    Explosion-proof hydrodynamic devices
    series E5-1Ex, E22-1Ex, etc.
  • Hydrodynamic devices with electric drive Poseidon
    Hydrodynamic devices with electric drive
    E5-200-15- Th-F-Cover, etc.
  • Disinfection devices Poseidon
    Disinfection devices
    E2-150-9, etc.
  • Devices for hydro-testing Poseidon
    Devices for hydro-testing
    E2-60-12- Tester et al.
  • Canal washing cars and trailers Poseidon
    Canal washing cars and trailers
    D130S, DT400, etc.
  • Tele-inspection systems Poseidon
    Tele-inspection systems
    3188 ForBest et al.
  • Fire-fighting installations Poseidon
    Fire-fighting installations
    series B6FF, etc.
  • Accessories and additional equipment Poseidon
    Accessories and additional equipment
    for high-pressure devices


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